Thursday, January 29, 2015

Art is a Way Project

A friend of mine challenged me to participate in a 30 day creative challenge. We have to commit to creating some kind of art and present it at the end of the month. My project has been to complete the first chapter of my next sci-fi novella, and so far I'm very excited about it.

Here is a snippet of the first draft:

"Waking up in an alley is pretty poetic. Or pathetic. Alleys have seen so much, from teenagers searching for a high to ashamed men, limping back to their lives.

Alleys should be explored alone. The fading smell of gasoline only appeals to a few, but it's hard for someone who appreciates it to relate to someone who doesn't. Granted, hardly anyone would be able to withstand the wafting fragrance of old vomit and alcohol.

This particular alley was hosting a man without a shirt, lying face down in what seemed to be a mixture of drool, blood, and vomit. It was a rather normal sight for this alley. Soon, he should wake up and walk away, possibly to return the next day. But that is not what Ethan did."

Monday, January 5, 2015

Coffee and words

I'm sitting in a coffee shop, working on a potential new novel about a dystopian 3-d printed society. Will see how it goes, but I'm enjoying doing something creative and productive with my time. I am not a fan of unemployment!